Despite being made from brass the saxophone is categorized as a. dimension which included the B flat soprano E flat sopranino F sopranino C soprano E flat alto F alto B flat tenor C tenor E flat baritone E flat contrabass B flat bass C bass and F contrabass.
#Antigua winds pro one tenor professional#
The heart and soul of the Antigua Pro-One is the Peter Ponzol neck design. Antigua Winds Pro One Professional Alto Saxophone, Classic Antique Finish 3,321.50. Say goodbye to the sticky G# pad blues! This simple yet brilliant design lifts the G# pad from the tone hole every time. These revolutionary new key arms add strength and stability, providing lightning quick response to the low B, Bb and C keys. As for my 'childish ranting', again, I get emails from people all the time asking me about these horns, as well as others that Dominic and the other Ebay stores are selling. From the G lifter that ensures it never sticks, to the B-C roller and F-F bridge, this is the professional’s dream saxophone. There are other horns for around 800 which I would recommend over the DC Pro such as the Antigua Winds, EM Winston, Kessler Custom, or P. Designed in collaboration with Peter Ponzol (professional player, mouthpiece & instrument designer previously worked with Keilwerth), the Pro One alto gives many popular features and combines them on one horn. Antigua’s new Pro One alto sax is a feature loaded horn. Peter Ponzol, the renowned player and designer, considers the ProOne saxophone the ultimate expression of his design concepts. Antigua Pro One Alto Sax AS6200VLQ designed by Peter Ponzol. Key Arms: Trident key arms on low Bb, B and C. Rolled tone holes for the bell keys and straight drawn tone holes in all other areas provide a solid core to the sound with balanced resistance for the player. The ProOne is Antigua’s most versatile saxophone series. Tone Holes: Hybrid Rolled Tone Holes (rolled on low Bb, B, C, C and Eb).
#Antigua winds pro one tenor series#
Cannonball Stone Series Pro Tenor Saxophone Outfit Black/Gold. It has a fully ribbed brass body which makes it both durable and visually appealing. Antigua TS4240AQ Powerbell Tenor Sax, Antique Matte Finish Used.

Instrument has been inspected and adjusted by our Repair Shop Antigua Winds X/P TS1203LQ This Antigua Winds Tenor Saxophone is another good option for beginner and intermediate students and recreational players. Antigua Winds was founded on the desire to give anyone the opportunity to play music, without sacrificing quality or affordability.